Monday, November 9, 2009

A Hundred Thank You's!

Today was a milestone for this blog. One hundred individuals are officially now following my blog. (Even though there are only 18 of you following this version, the original version of this blog - and the same content - has now reached 100 followers. Some of you may be part of that 100 followers.)

I am so pleased that each of you have found something about this blog that interests you. The technology we now have at our fingertips is so amazing! Here I sit in my cozy little study in Iowa communicating with people all over the globe in Spain, the Netherlands, Russia, Turkey, Canada, Argentina, Finland, Australia, France, Portugal and even Tucson, AZ!

If I've left out your country, please post a comment and add your nation to this list! I usually go to each of your sites if you have blogs, and look to see what you're posting and to see what coutries you're from. I love your energy, curiosity, humor, and creativity. I look forward to opening my emails each day to see if there are new comments from any of you, and I enjoy scrolling down to see what you have posted on your sites. Whether I can read the language or not, your pictures usually tell a story. And there's a thread of continuity throughout them all - miniatures are a fabulous hobby!

Blessings to you all, and THANK YOU!

Tomorrow I'll begin a series of blogs about some of my power tools.



  1. Thank you very much ! BTW I'm from Italy :o)))) Rosanna

  2. Hi George!

    You missed that funny little nation across the ole pond...the UK! lol

    I was going to add my name to your other blog...but I could see that they were the same. :o)

    Michelle :o)
